The best thing about Friday?

Couscous, or sukssu! In Morocco, Friday is usually a day reserved for family and prayer. Families usually gather around a giant plate, or two, of couscous. If you’re visiting Morocco, couscous is a must have. You will quickly become addicted, as I have. There are various types of couscous  such as vegetable, meat, chicken, lamb…

Grand Taxis

Taxis are an essential part of life in Morocco. In Morocco we have two different types of taxis, petit taxis and grand taxis. Petit taxis are used to travel within cities while grand taxis are used to travel between cities. Grand taxis are an interesting character of this country. Though Morocco is going through the process…

Chefchaoun ❤️

Chefchaoun is such an beautiful, relaxing city. I absolutely love how each city in Morocco has such a different personality. If Chefchaoun (just Chaoun to locals) was a person it would definetly be someone who goes with the flow and doesn’t have a care in the world. I’m absolutely obsessed with all the different doors!…

Quick Ramadan weekend trip to Meknes

One of the reasons I ended up coming back to Morocco after returning from my year studying abroad was the absolute hospitality and generosity of the people. This year was the first year that I actually spent Ramadan in Morocco. Towards the end of the month I was invited to spend a few days with…


Here are before and after pictures of my beautiful baby Biba. When I rescued him, he was trembling from the cold, losing his fur in big spots and so skinny I could feel his bones. The top picture shows him just days after I took him home. The bottom shows Biba only six months later….

Beautiful Rincon/M’diq

One of the best things about living in Tetouan was the close proximity to these beautiful beach villages that line the Mediterranean. Located about 20 minutes outside of Tetouan and easily accessible by grand taxi is the city Rincon also known as M’diq. It is a sleepy beautiful beach city whose population swells to about 200%…

Tetouan’s medina 

Tetouan has an interesting history. The old medina was built in the 18th century. The city has transitioned between Spanish control and Arab control many times. This history is still evident today and greatly shapes the architecture, culture and language of the city. That being said, Tetouan does still have an old medina (city) like most…

Marrakech or Maaarakssshh

I finally made my way down to Marrakech after almost three years of being in the country. Though tourists flock to this city by the millions each year in hopes of experiencing the mysterious country that is Morocco, Marrakech to me is the most un-Moroccan city I have ever been to. I was so excited…

A walk though the souk in Tetouan

Morocco is known for it’s amazingly fresh and cheap produce. Here is just a small look at what is available on any given day in the souk of Tetouan.

Ceuta for the day

One of the nice things about the location of Tetouan is that it is located very close (about 40 km/25 miles) to the Spanish territory of Ceuta. Though Ceuta is only 7 square miles in diameter and is located in North Africa, it is impossible to confuse Ceuta with a Moroccan city. Some will argue that…